How Kim Kardashian Gets Gorgeous, Healthy Hair After Dying Platinum

By now, we know that Kim K can pull off just about any hair color—and based on her new hue, platinum is so her thing.

Here’s the rub: Strands go through a lot when they’re transformed from dark to platinum blonde. As Women’s Health has talked about before, bleach weakens hair bonds, leaving strands drier and more straw-like. Clearly, Kim K doesn’t have that problem, though. Her hair looks impossibly silky, shiny, and sleek, even post dye-job. She’s using a secret weapon to keep her locks healthy—and you have to know about it.

Via Instagram, Kim K revealed that she was shopping to pick up .

“Oh, no big deal, just came into the Nexxus store. My hair being bleached, I have to get this new Emergencee protein treatment. So excited,” she said.

The hair repair treatment—designed to be used post-color treatment—packs marine collagen and elastin proteins to reconstruct broken protein structures and boost strands’ strength. It’s the reason why her hair looks resilient and strong.

Learn how to make another great hair moisturizer at home:

If you and Kim K share similar hair struggles, you can use this as a weekly pre-treatment to keep your strands in tip-top shape. Best of all, it’s not too expensive—just $20, and you can do this at home. You also don’t need to have gone from super-dark locks to platinum, either. If you color treat or use hot styling tools on your strands, you’ll also benefit big time.


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